Saturday, February 10, 2024

Jake Picker: The “Bartonella Babe”.

This is sad, infuriating, tragic and frustrating. I came across "Jake" (a nickname) about 6 years ago on YouTube searching for information on MCAS. The reason being, about 99% of all doctors being complete and total arrogant egotistical indoctrinated (versus educated) morons, trying to get information about this disease was nearly impossible, for me and millions of others. So not unlike Jake, I and others have to do our own research, figure out our own diagnosis, figure out possible treatments, medications that might potentially work, figure out blood and urine tests, then go back to our "doctors", pay them exorbitant amounts of money, to get said tests and meds, arguing with the jackasses, then proving them wrong, again and again and again and again and again and again...with the hopes of getting better. Years down the road, totally bankrupted by these megalomaniac, vapid, vacuous, incompetent simpletons, with broken spirits and souls, having been misdiagnosed for years or decades, some of us get better and some can no longer fight them...and succumb to the fatigue, pain and suffering and end their own lives, like Jake did...she was only 30 years old. 

Below are some screen shots of interactions between Jake and myself from her YouTube channel...trying to entertain, amuse, educate, enlighten and support each other...just like she did with innumerable others, just like all of us do, in spite of the lack of support from the "medical establishment" overall, who is still mostly as clueless today about this disease, as they are about numerous other ones. She truly helped me in so many ways, as she did with others, and I feel so, so, so sorry for her mother, her little dog Piper (whom I called Cujo) and her family. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

8-20 through 9-21.




Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I'm A Doctor Who Almost Died Because My Own Doctors Refused To Do This 1 Basic Thing.

Always, always, always, question, question more, speak out, advocate for yourself, don't be afraid to stick up for yourself, never ever be intimidated by doctors...ever. They make far more mistakes, sometimes lethal, than most people realize.  

Friday, February 24, 2023

The 9-Question Survey many Doctors use to Diagnose Depression was created by an Antidepressant Manufacturer.

I have long contended the majority of people diagnosed with a "mental health" problem, in reality, have true underlying medical issues that are not discovered due to a lack of testing. Doctors don't listen to patients, they basically abdicate their professional training and obligations to science and patient care, and just conclude (based on no evidence) that people are hypochondriacs or "faking" their complaints. And of course in the USA this also/mostly has do to with profit. 

Psychologists and psychiatrists practice pseudoscience. They are wrong as often as right, and often wrong far more than right. They don't generally use blood or urine tests, MRI's, CAT Scans, X-Rays or anything "scientific" to diagnose patients, they just guess, they prescribe meds where they have no idea what the ingredients are, no idea if they will help or harm, and many of them do massive harm. They prescribe whatever the "flavor of the day" is based on whatever recently came from Big Pharma, they invest in Wall Street based on the meds they's not "science" based, it's not as beneficial as they and the media hypes, and in the opinion of "some" people, they are not "real" doctors.

Far too many people conflate Big Pharma profits and doses prescribed with actual benefit for patients and society. This proves that point. Large corporations, lobbyists, lawyers for companies etc...have far too much influence and power. I have yet to come across someone that has a so called "rare" disease, that doesn't spend years and a gazillion dollars seeing shrinks, only to years later come across a doctor who actually cares, runs tests, finds out the true medical issue, and the "mental health" diagnosis was totally debunked. It's tragic, ruins peoples lives and is just so disgusting.  

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, POTS, Dysautonomia, etc.


MCAS sufferer here, who had to circumvent my own doctors to get blood/urine tests proving elevated tryptase, prostaglandin, IgE, etc, which did not go over well with their egos. For 23 years doctors told me I was a hypochondriac and needed a shrink. Vindication eventually, but 2 decades of my life were wasted arguing with those pompous blowhards, so that "victory" means little. 

This may not apply to you, as everyone is unique, but excipients, dyes and fillers in prescribed and OTC meds and supplements can be major triggers for some people with MCAS. Red dye is in most pills, (bleached white) and often under names like "Aluminum Lake" and 100s of others. Microcrystalline cellulose is another that affects some of us, and it's in just about everything. My point is, if you hit a "wall" after eating "clean" and all the rest, consider what's in meds and supplements, and possibly even skin care and makeup. I'm a "dude", so know nothing about that, whereas for females that use those products, topical transdermal "pollution" into the body via those products is possible, even suppositories are known to have ingredients that bother some people due to "booty" skin absorption. 

Lack of sleep due to elevated histamine, fluorescent lights in schools and just about any commercial building, inability to concentrate in class or work, all can have a detrimental effect on your quality of life, plus can cause anxiety, stress, etc. Anyway, most people with MCAS and related diseases are going to struggle trying to get proper medical care at this point in time. And I really wish the medical establishment would grasp what idiopathic means, as in things cycle, migrate, change and are not always constant so certain tests are not always going to reveal symptoms. It would help if they would use critical thinking skills rather than rely on rote memorization only. Okay, enough bloviating out of me. :)